The Unravelling Nots

In the journey we trod, spiritual paths did we trace,
Discovering the importance of a realized master’s grace,
For truth beyond words, in silence does dwell,
A knowing, a being, where words cannot quell.

The company we keep, it shapes what we are,
A universal principle, near or afar,
With each passing insight, the fog starts to clear,
Unveiling the truth that’s always been here.

We are the truth, obscured by the false,
Ideas, beliefs, distractions, the cost,
Yet beneath the layers of thoughts that accrue,
Pure awareness awaits, a reality so true.

As we delved deeper, the world’s solidity waned,
Layer upon layer, abstract and unchained,
At the base, nothingness, not void, but pure,
Like castles in the clouds, beliefs endure.

Pure awareness, formless, dimensionless, it shines,
In the stillness of the night, in the depths of our minds,
Awakening to self, a revelation so sweet,
In the formless consciousness, we find our seat.

Yet, questions persist, in the quiet of the night,
Why the duality, the sense of self’s slight?
The observer observed, a paradox to bear,
In the dualistic dance, a glimpse of what’s rare.

In solitude profound, a fear did arise,
Of eternal loneliness, beyond boundless skies,
A rush to return to the mind’s warm embrace,
From the truth’s stark reality, we did race.

Decades have passed, and the truth still remains,
A longing, a seeking, a mystery that sustains,
In extraordinary moments, beliefs may unwind,
Yet interpretations abound, in each seeker’s mind.

The mind’s tangled mess, a labyrinth we fear,
A progressive path, unravelling year by year,
But the direct path beckons, immediate and clear,
Beyond thoughts and beliefs, reality draws near.

Presence, the key, in the now we reside,
Observing thoughts, ego’s endless tide,
A letting go, as thoughts gently recede,
In the vastness of presence, our true selves we heed.






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