Category: Uncategorized
In Truth’s Absence
In the absence of truth’s gentle light,We stumble through the darkest night,Ignorance our unwanted guide,On this sorrowful, desolate ride. A veil of falsehoods draped around,Our hearts and minds are tightly bound,Lost in the maze of confusion,Seeking an elusive resolution. The pain of separation gnaws,At our very core it saws,A deep ache that never abates,Fueling bitterness…
The Witnessed Witness
Where thoughts and dreams entwine,A question stirs, both yours and mine,Isn’t the witness, just a witnessing?A paradox profound, in truth, unveiling. Beyond the mind’s relentless dance,Where ego, self, and concepts prance,A glimpse into the mystic’s trance,Reveals a truth, a cosmic chance. The witness, a silent, formless seer,Awakens in the stillness, clear,A mirror to the world,…
The Unravelling Nots
In the journey we trod, spiritual paths did we trace,Discovering the importance of a realized master’s grace,For truth beyond words, in silence does dwell,A knowing, a being, where words cannot quell. The company we keep, it shapes what we are,A universal principle, near or afar,With each passing insight, the fog starts to clear,Unveiling the truth…
The Witness
Behind this name, this face,Beyond all masks I wear,Apart from thoughts that race,And moods that flare and fade, Here now, a presence bare,Untouched, serene, aware,The seamless witness I bear,Eternal, undismayed. Through days that come and go,Each joy, each aching loss,All highs that overflow,Or failures that across me stray, As waves on ocean tossed,The witness holds…